Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Torsos firmly planted in the ground,
Inverted legs dance swiftly through the air.
The minds’ of the free-spirited drift about,
With little to no cares.

While ignorant minds tremble
If their worlds are rearranged
Those that are willing to adapt,
Will find comfort in change.

For our deepest thoughts are as constant,
As the moon, or as the sun.
Outsiders may peel and pry
But our souls alter for no one

So embrace all changes that life presents
With a clear and open mind
Find comfort in that fact that tomorrow will always come
And happiness you will find

Monday, April 30, 2007

Towards the heavens my branches thrust
Winding webs of timber they sprawl unto the skies
With every passing year, I remain observant
Contrasting the events I’ve experienced while continuing to rise

Wars have raged on, and peace has been profound
Aspirations have come true, and dreams has been drowned
Love have been lost, and soul mates have been found
And through it all I stood firm, with my roots within the ground

Like a mother I observe carefully
Yet, I do so with distant eyes
All of the contrasting events experienced
While I continue to rise